Want to learn more about how our solutions work and what their functionalities can do for your organization? Leave your details and one of our professionals will contact you as soon as possible.

Contact Address

HealthHub Aalst, Capucienenlaan 93A, 9300 Aalst, (VL) Belgium


+32 472 67 98 24

    Email Support

    Need support for a solution you already have installed? Contact us at support@partheas.com or via the contact form.


    Would you like to schedule a conversation with Partheas about one of our video conference solutions? Let’s set up a conversation. Contact us via the contact form or send an email to info@partheas.com



    Live Demo

    Would you like a demonstration on location or at one of the sites where one of the applications is running live? Contact us via the contact form or send an email to info@partheas.com


    You are a system integrator or you have a solution that fits one of Partheas’ solutions? Let’s see if we can work together.